Assignment J
1. Why cannot fertilisation take place in flowers if pollination does not occur?
2. Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist slice of bread rather than on a dry
slice of bread?
3. Leaves of Bryophyllum fallen on the ground produce new plants whereas the leaves
of Jasmine do not, why?
4. What is clone? Why do offspring formed by asexual reproduction exhibit remarkable
5. Write one disadvantage of asexual reproduction. When and how does multiple fission
take place?
6. State in brief the function of the following organs in the human female
reproductive system. (a) Ovary (b) Fallopian tube (c) Uterus
7. Differentiate between : (a) Asexual and sexual reproduction. (b) Plumule and Radicle (c)
Pollination and Fertilisation
8. Why is vegetative propagation practised for growing some types of plants? (b) Name
the different parts of a flower that has germ cells. (c) List any two agents of pollination.
9. What happens to the pollen which falls on a suitable stigma? Explain.
10. List and describe in brief any three ways devised to avoid pregnancy.
11. What are sexually transmitted diseases? Name four such diseases. Which one of
them damages the immune system of human body?
12. Define grafting. Suggest any two advantages and disadvantages of grafting.
13. Name any two mechanical barriers of pregnancy. What are the benefits of
using mechanical barriers during sexual act?
14. State in brief the functions of the following parts of the human male reproductive system
(i) Scrotum (ii) Testes (iii) Vas deferens
15. State the role of ovary and fallopian tube in human body.
17. What is the advantage of reproducing through spores?
18. How does variation lead to the survival of species overtime?
19. What will happen when :
(a) A mature Spirogyra filament attains considerable length?
(b) Planaria gets cut into two pieces?
20. (a) Give reason : Regeneration is not the same as Reproduction.
(b) State the mode of a asexual reproduction in Plasmodium
21. (a) Surgical methods can be used to create a block in the reproductive system for
contraceptive purposes. Name such parts where blocks are created in : (i) males (ii)
(b) State any two reasons for using contraceptive devices.
22. (a) What is vegetative propagation?
(b) Write any two advantages of practising this method.
23. (a) Out of the following plants which two plants are reproduced by vegetative
propagation? jasmine, wheat, mustard, banana
(b) List any one advantage of practising this kind of propagation.
24. (a) Identify the asexual method of reproduction in each of the following organisms : (i) rose
(ii) yeast (iii) planaria
(b) What is fragmentation? Name a multicellular organism which reproduces by
this method.
25. (a) How do the oral pills function as contraceptives?
(b) The use of these pills may be harmful. Why?
26. (a) Explain the terms : (i) implantation (ii) placenta
(b) What is the average duration of human pregnancy?
1. Why cannot fertilisation take place in flowers if pollination does not occur?
2. Why does bread mould grow profusely on a moist slice of bread rather than on a dry
slice of bread?
3. Leaves of Bryophyllum fallen on the ground produce new plants whereas the leaves
of Jasmine do not, why?
4. What is clone? Why do offspring formed by asexual reproduction exhibit remarkable
5. Write one disadvantage of asexual reproduction. When and how does multiple fission
take place?
6. State in brief the function of the following organs in the human female
reproductive system. (a) Ovary (b) Fallopian tube (c) Uterus
7. Differentiate between : (a) Asexual and sexual reproduction. (b) Plumule and Radicle (c)
Pollination and Fertilisation
8. Why is vegetative propagation practised for growing some types of plants? (b) Name
the different parts of a flower that has germ cells. (c) List any two agents of pollination.
9. What happens to the pollen which falls on a suitable stigma? Explain.
10. List and describe in brief any three ways devised to avoid pregnancy.
11. What are sexually transmitted diseases? Name four such diseases. Which one of
them damages the immune system of human body?
12. Define grafting. Suggest any two advantages and disadvantages of grafting.
13. Name any two mechanical barriers of pregnancy. What are the benefits of
using mechanical barriers during sexual act?
14. State in brief the functions of the following parts of the human male reproductive system
(i) Scrotum (ii) Testes (iii) Vas deferens
15. State the role of ovary and fallopian tube in human body.
17. What is the advantage of reproducing through spores?
18. How does variation lead to the survival of species overtime?
19. What will happen when :
(a) A mature Spirogyra filament attains considerable length?
(b) Planaria gets cut into two pieces?
20. (a) Give reason : Regeneration is not the same as Reproduction.
(b) State the mode of a asexual reproduction in Plasmodium
21. (a) Surgical methods can be used to create a block in the reproductive system for
contraceptive purposes. Name such parts where blocks are created in : (i) males (ii)
(b) State any two reasons for using contraceptive devices.
22. (a) What is vegetative propagation?
(b) Write any two advantages of practising this method.
23. (a) Out of the following plants which two plants are reproduced by vegetative
propagation? jasmine, wheat, mustard, banana
(b) List any one advantage of practising this kind of propagation.
24. (a) Identify the asexual method of reproduction in each of the following organisms : (i) rose
(ii) yeast (iii) planaria
(b) What is fragmentation? Name a multicellular organism which reproduces by
this method.
25. (a) How do the oral pills function as contraceptives?
(b) The use of these pills may be harmful. Why?
26. (a) Explain the terms : (i) implantation (ii) placenta
(b) What is the average duration of human pregnancy?